martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

The stress

Stress, is a physilogical reaction of our body to confront a menacing situaction. Therefore is not a patholy, it is a normal and necesary response to live. For example: when you find an animal that menacing you, you react in front of this situation, then you prepare to defend, if the animal wants to attack yourself.

Exist diferents classification of stress, they can be pathological or not.

When the stress is pathologial, for example when is accompannied with "uncontrollable" anxiety, this require a treatment.

The trigger factors are some like this:

- situations where needed procecing information quickly.
- harmful environmental stimulus.
- threat perceptions.
- physiologic functions alterated.
- isolation and confinement.
- locks in our interests.
- group pressure.
- frustration.

You can combat the stress with respiratory excersises, namely a voluntary control.

Nowadays in general it is perceived like a illness but this is not a reality always, because we need this reaction to face some situations to emerge graceful.

A examples of pathologic stress are:

- postraumatic stress: is the stress that emerge after terrifying event.
- work stress: when the work expectations are highest exceed the worker capacity.

To combat the stress is necesary mantain a good health (with happyness) and take the problems with calm, and concentrate in the thing that is present at the moment. If we are to confronted something the first step is work in one problem or thing and the next step is to take the other. The other important thing is mantain the hope, and trust about if "I have something in front, I may to get over", and trust in God.

2 comentarios:

  1. The key is the balance ! of this way the stress fades into the background and is easier to have control ! =)

  2. I loved the theme of having your own control, including breathing exercises (good technique), but above all ... trusting in God! surely that allows you to live in peace, away from stress!
